Tom’s Toys Logo

Tom's Toys Logo in two sizes

The second assignment in my Graphic Design class at WPI (AR2301) was to create a logo for a fictional business that a “friend” wanted to start. I’m presenting this as a case study since I have everything from the design brief to sketches to the final design. The assignment/brief given was: Peter has started a toy company. He is proud of the fact that all of his company’s products are made of 100%… Continue reading »

WPI Sufficiency Project

The Market Like a Boss page

The Sufficiency is one of the four project requirements for a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI). As part of the Humanities program, each student specializes in one area within their Humanities minor; I chose Ethics within the general study of Philosophy. For my Sufficiency project, I designed and built a proof-of-concept site to illustrate ethical and unethical textual messages of… Continue reading »

Tier 3 templated ads

Leaderboard and medium format ad with logo

Like most sites, CarGurus runs external advertising on some pages of the site. In an effort to increase their product offerings, they decided to run their own advertising; these ads would be sold to dealers who were already paying customers. The ads would be templated in that the dealer supplied certain bits of content (mostly the callout but eventually the logo, as well) and we filled in the rest of the parts of… Continue reading »

CarGurus Mobile Homepage Redesign

New CG Mobile Homepage

While working for CarGurus, I redesigned the homepage for their mobile web site and app. The redesign shared design elements with the desktop homepage while adapting to the mobile constraints. The original mobile homepage was simply a list of links done in jQuery Mobile; one of the goals of the new page was not to use jQuery Mobile in any way. The desktop homepage also uses the “tab selector” metaphor for the three… Continue reading »

Visual Rhetoric Final Project

Redesigned Student Services Page

I took a class at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) called Visual Rhetoric. Part of the class description reads, “This course explores how visual design is used for purposes of identification, information, and persuasion. It looks at many modes of visual communication, such as icons, logos, trademarks, signs, product packaging, infographics, posters, billboards, ads, exhibits, graffiti, page layout, films, television, videogames, and web sites.” For the final project, I chose to analyze the design and cognitive… Continue reading »